476 research outputs found

    A Framework for Normative MultiAgent Organisations

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    The social and organisational aspects of agency have led to a good amount of theoretical work in terms of formal models and theories. From these different works normative multiagent systems and multiagent organisations are particularily considered in this paper. Embodying such models and theories in the conception and engineering of proper infrastructures that achieve requirements of openness and adaptation, is still an open issue. In this direction, this paper presents and discusses a framework for normative multiagent organisations. Based on the Agents and Artifacts meta-model (A&A), it introduces organisational artifacts as first class entities to instrument the normative organisation for supporting agents activities within it

    Normative Multi-Agent Organizations: Modeling, Support and Control, Draft Version

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    http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/902/pdf/07122.BoissierOlivier.Paper.902.pdfInternational audienceIn the last years, social and organizational aspects of agency have become a major issue in multi-agent systems' research. Recent applications of MAS enforce the need of using these aspects in order to ensure some social order within these systems. Tools to control and regulate the overall functioning of the system are needed in order to enforce global laws on the autonomous agents operating in it. This paper presents a normative organization system composed of a normative organization modeling language MOISEInst used to define the normative organization of a MAS, accompanied with SYNAI, a normative organization implementation architecture which is itself regulated with an explicit normative organization specification

    Smart City Artifacts Web Portal

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    International audienceIn the smart city domain, many projects and works are generating essential information. Open and efficient sharing of this information can be beneficial for all parties ranging from researchers, engineers or even governments. To our knowledge, there is currently no full-fledged semantic platform which properly models this domain, publishes such information and allows data extraction using a standard query language. To complement this, we developed and deployed the Smart City Artifacts web portal. In this paper, we present our approach used within this platform and summaries some of its technical features and applications

    Controlling multi-party interaction within normative multi-agent organizations

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/coin_2.pdfInternational audienceMulti-party communications taking place within organizations lead to different interaction modes between agents (e.g. (in)direct communication between roles, (in)direct communication restricted to a group, etc). Fully normative organisations need to regulate and control those modes as they do for agents' behaviors. This paper proposes to extend the normative organization model Moise in order to specify such interaction modes between autonomous agents participating to an organization. This specification has two purposes: (i ) to make the multi-agent organization able to monitor the interaction between the agents, (ii ) to make the agents able to reason on these modes as they can do on norms. The paper is focused on the first point. We illustrate with a crisis management application how this extension has been implemented thanks to a specialization of the Easi interaction model

    Spécification des modes d'interaction au sein d'organisations multi-agents

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    http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/scripts/FILES/publi1433.pdfInternational audienceLa prise en compte des communications multiparties dans une organisation nécessite la mise en oeuvre d'un support et d'une modélisation intégrant ces deux dimensions. Ce papier étend le modèle d'organisation normative MOISE afin de pouvoir spécifier les modes d'interaction entre agents autonomes participant à une organisation. Cette spécification a deux objectifs : (i) permettre à l'organisation multi-agent de vérifier que les agents utilisent correctement les modes d'interaction, (ii) permettre aux agents de raisonner sur ces modes comme ils peuvent le faire sur les normes. Seul le premier aspect est décrit dans le papier. Nous montrons la mise en oeuvre de cette extension dans une spécialisation du modèle d'interaction EASI, au sein d'une application de gestion de crise

    Towards a General Definition Of Trust and its Application to Openness in MAS

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    http://guillaumemuller1.free.fr/Articles/aamas03_W03_muller_paper.pdfInternational audienc

    Defining and Modeling Context in a Multi-Agent Systems Architecture for Decision-Making

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    http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= intelligence involves the convergence of several computing areas: ubiquitous computing, intelligent systems and context-awareness. Developing context-aware applications needs facilities for recognizing and representing context, reasoning on it and adapting to it accordingly. In what concerns context representation, the newest and most challenging representation is the ontological one. The problem is that current ontologies for context do not provide a standard for representing complex context attributes. In this paper, we propose a context definition and representation used to construct context-based agent architecture. The representation we propose combines the generality provided by ontologies with the complexity inspired by the object oriented models. The goal of the proposed architecture is to support the deployment of context-aware agents able to learn how to recognize the context of their decisions and to adapt to it. The use of this architecture is illustrated on a test MAS for agenda management, using the JADE-LEAP platform on PCs and PDAs

    Special Issue

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    A galactic weigh-in: mass models of SINGS galaxies using chemospectrophotometric galactic evolution models

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    The baryonic mass-to-light ratio used to perform the photometry-to-mass conversion has a tremendous influence on the measurement of the baryonic content and distribution, as well as on the determination of the dark halo parameters. Since numerous clues hint at an inside-out formation process for galaxies, a radius-dependant mass-to-light ratio is needed to physically represent the radially varying stellar population. In this article, we use chemo-spectrophotometric galactic evolution (CSPE) models to determine the mass-to-light ratio for a wide range of masses and sizes in the scenario of an inside-out formation process by gas accretion. We apply our method on a SINGS subsample of ten spiral and dwarf galaxies for stellar bands covering from the UV to the MIR. The CSPE models prove to be a good tool to weight the different photometric bands in order to obtain consistent stellar discs' masses regardless of the spectral band used. On the other hand, we show that colour index vs. the mass-to-light ratio relation is an imperfect tool to assign masses to young stellar populations because of the degeneracy affecting mass-to-light ratio in all bands at low colour index. Resulting discs from our analysis are compatible with the maximum disc hypothesis provided that adequate bulge/disc decomposition is performed and correction for the presence of a bar is not neglected since it disturbs the internal disc kinematics. Disc-mass models including mass-to-light ratio-as a free parameter as well as models using our physically motivated radial variation of mass-to-light ratio are presented and discussed for each galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Evaluating Plans and Human Response Using a Normative Multi-Agent System

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    International audienceWe describe a socio-technical system designed to train different organisations in emergency management during the preparedness phase. In this system, both humans and the system work together in building organisational context awareness. The system uses a normative multi-agent system and a tangible table for user interaction. Real time virtual feedbacks are used to draw users' attention to the validity of their actions with respect to the emergency plan. Feedback allows the actors to be aware of the other factors that impact the validity of their action (actions of other actors, environment etc.) and to identify the behaviour that is expected of them by the other organisations. The system is still in its prototype phase. Its behaviour is illustrated by example scenarios, showing that it is possible to support collaboration amongst distant actors, in a way that only relevant information is shown